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Kindling Behavior Consultants is working hard to protect our clients, our staff, and everyone’s families during the Coronavirus pandemic. We are currently implementing the following safety protocols:

  • All staff are required to wear a mask or face shield at all times in the home.
  • Staff, clients, and participating family members check their temperatures via no-touch thermometer at the start of every session.
  • Staff are provided with hand-sanitizer and agree to sanitize or wash their hands regularly throughout session.
  • Clients are prompted to wash their hands regularly throughout session, especially after touching or putting items in their mouths (such items are also immediately washed or sanitized).

In addition, in order to limit the exposure to COVID-19, all staff and clients are asked to sign our Exposure Mitigation Agreement in order to have services in the home. The agreement includes the following stipulations:

Families agree to:

  • Provide accurate information about the status of household members being exposed to someone with COVID-19.
  • Provide accurate information about the status of all members of the household regarding the manifestation of any signs of COVID-19 as outlined by the CDC.
  • Notify staff if someone in the household has a temperature of 100.4 or higher, or if someone has a temperature over 99.8 and is feeling unwell.
  • Allow Kindling Behavior staff to take temperatures of clients and participating family members before each session via no-touch forehead thermometer. (staff agree to allow parents to see their temperature before sessions as well)
  • Cancel sessions for at least 72 hours if a fever over 100.4 is present in any member of the immediate family unit.

In addition, family members agree to follow Richmond’s Phase 2 guidelines, as follows:

  • Continue to wear face masks in public.
  • Practice social distancing whenever possible.
  • Avoid visits or social gatherings, especially with individuals who are at higher risk.
  • Continue to wash or sanitize your hands frequently, but especially after leaving a public place or before adjusting or removing your mask.
  • Social gatherings are limited to 50 people or 50 percent capacity of the event space, whichever is less.

These events render us unable to continue services to your family:

  • Not following the guidelines listed above.
  • Any member of the household coming into contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
  • Any member of the household showing signs of COVID-19 as outlined by the CDC.
  • Any member of the household being quarantined by a medical doctor.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns about our safety protocol, Exposure Mitigation Agreement, or general response to the Coronavirus Pandemic.